Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Whole that brings all together

Whole that joins forever

Whole that embodies a Hole,

A hole that sucks our strength

A hole so deep in its length

The length of eternity not reached

until the Whole fills all holes with love, peace, togetherness and a Soul

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Silence vibrating resonance

Silence soft in its presence

Silence liberating inhibition

Silence free from imposition

Silence igniting inspiration

Silence illuminating radiance

Silence words of a new language …..

Silence ….…

Silen ...

Sil ..

Si .





A simple reflection of essence

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A yellow eagle lay still

Peaking, seeking unclear

A shift with a spread of wings in an instant will

Taking steps without any fear

Guiding the green dame in her dance of life

As he hovers around her a warrior and knight

The practice is over with the appearance of a knife

That brings the sweetness of nature’s juices into sight

A yellow eagle lay still

As the green dame moves in sync with her Grand Will