Monday, January 31, 2011

Riding the tide towards Collective Creativity

January 2011 is over ..
so quickly ..
so majestically ..
so intimately ..
so intensely ..
full of surprises ..

the ethical wave reaching its peak ..

the consciousness for individual presence within our collective cultures speaking ..

the warrior energies of emerging leaders coming forward to uproot the bad, infested old sprouts of growth which hogged the surface of the earth and stopped the cultivation of healthy seeds patiently waiting for their spread ..

the caring, nurturing energies of the feminine coming forward with strength through the arts and communication streams, flowing the voices of consciousness, receiving the deep incoming screams of freedom chants, opening space for interconnectedness and holding the movement with loving attention ...

integration coming forward with a mutual supportive and harmonious dance between technology and humanity on the ground, and social media and human connection through the online virtual spaces ...

awareness is now being called to come forward, so that the emergence showing up moves consciously through the present moment now into the next wave of CO-CREATION

the Paradox of Life and the Possibility of Life ....

my heart is aching and my heart is expanding -

i see the courage of the people standing up to speak from a place that has been suppressed for an overdue long time, i feel the tremble of the people who used control for power and oppression, i sense our earth's embrace through its solid grounds around our hearts, joining them together to sing a collective unifying song that brings a dance of peace into the atmosphere we breathe ...

with compassion,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

سقَطتْ ، سقَطتْ

سقَطتْ ، سقَطتْ
الا تدري ان السقوط هو بداية النهوظ
الا تدري ان في القعر بئر و نور يختار ما بين الغافلين و الواعين
الا تدري ان التراب شبِع سوادا و اصبح جاهزا للبياض و بذور الزرع الصالح للسلام
الا تدري ان السطح استفاق لاشراق الشمس في وضح النهار و الليل
الا تدري ان الجماعة افرادا من منبع واحد مجتمعين
الا تدري ان مياه الانهار و البحار تتصل، تصل الى القريب و البعيد
الا تدري ان القوة تاتي بالاتحاد و وحدة السلطة من قلب القلوب على هذه الارض
الا تدري ان الامهات هنا للدفء و الحنان والعناية و التواصل  
صرخة الام 
قفوا يا اولاد و اسمعوا نفسكم تحت رعايتي و حماية ابائكم
قفوا يا اولاد فالبيت بيتكم، لاتعبثوا باصله، واطفاله، و اقاربه، و عماله و زواره و اهله
قوموا يا اولاد من الوقعة و السقوط الى الوقوف و النهوض لبيتكم لبنان لبنان لبنان

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Making Homes and Learning Worlds

An energy shifts the centre of gravity from embodiment to application ...
An energy shifts the centre of gravity from enfoldment to unfoldment ...
We have the backbone
We have the capacity
We have the abundance of resources
We have the trust to follow the co-creation path 

We are the pillars upon which the homes of the children to be born will be built
We are the pillars upon which the learning world of the children to be born will be built 

The pillars will be consciously aware and steady, flexible and solid, intimate with the ground and space, integral to their roots and values ...
The pillars will co-initiate their positions in the land; individuals in a collective dance ...
The pillars will invite conscious workers into an enriching exchange network ....
The pillars will gather families and learners into a community of being and doing ...
The pillars will join each other and others to design and architect the emerging form ...
The pillars will bring conscious health into the bodies of organic structures  ...
The pillars will be consciously aware of life's eco dynamics, naturally setting climates supporting inner/outer vibrancies ...
The pillars will celebrate with each other and all who participate, each threshold of completion with dance and music, rhythm and melody, silence and reflection,

as now the partnership expands;

The home and learning world becomes one for all who join, 
consciously coming together and co-creating the aesthetics that respond to our active presence lifestyle;
consciously co-creating the art of our place;
consciously co-making the story of our relational playground;

and the story continues to unfold in time, in place, in the present moment now ....