Friday, May 22, 2009

How beautiful …

How beautiful to drown in the innocence of beauty

How beautiful to breathe the crack and mould the form through its tight passage

How beautiful to breathe the resilience of crystals as the bodily sculpture embraces the pain and turbulence in its delicate journey

How beautiful to breathe the vastness of light as the surrounding darkness glows with the flashes of an organic dynamic expansion

How beautiful to breathe the peaceful centering with the stability of the body grounded in the heart of existence’s silence

How beautiful to breathe the harmonious aliveness with the attendance of welcoming hands harvesting the fields of a truthful co-creation

How beautiful to breathe the essence of unity’s wholeness as the universal mind cycles the energy of goodness with pure intention

How beautiful …

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

لهيب يحرق أوراق الخريف يمحيها

مياه السماء تسقي عروق الشتاء ترجع اوراقها المخفية

نسيم يوقظ نعشة ربيع الأوراق يلونها

شمس يدفء صيف أوراق الأشكال ينورّها

I share this from one of my young teachers:

Biking is for the legs
Shopping is for the hands
but something is coming from the heart
What am I doing?
What am I missing?

Monday, May 4, 2009

سكون يجتاح عروق دمائي، يهدأها

غشاء يخترق طبلة أذني، يملأها

دفء يمزق غشاء حنجرتي، يحررها

حب ينفض دقات قلبي، يفيقها

جمال يرسم صورة وجهي، يشرقها

دافع يمسمر أرض رجلي، يثبتها

نور يغلق سواد عيني، يضيئه

تغيير يجمع أعضاء جسمي، يوحده