Monday, August 31, 2009
So many stations, so many diversions, so may learnings, so may contributions, so many ...
All in abundance reached a moment, a Threshold which I opened up to with the openness of the vast ocean, welcoming the water from the streams, rivers, seas collected, collecting as I expand with my knowing and understanding ..
A Threshold so soft invited me to savor the subtle step and slowly move my body with solid feet across it.
I stopped, I wondered, I knew and felt the moment of life in its fullest so close to me.
I stopped, I questioned, what does that all mean, a feeling that vibrates across the wholeness of myself, a feeling so kind far from being mean.
I stopped, I observed, i saw the depth of life within me, around me, now touchable, reachable.
I stopped, I thought, I recognized the illusion of dreams and the reality of being.
I stopped, I searched, I met the mates whose presence activated the connection of eternity.
I stopped, I practiced, I found structure achievable stretching beyond the comfort zone of what is inherited and forgotten.
I stopped, I visited, I landed on earth's nourishing soils feeding me natural nutrients that strengthen the mission.
I stopped, I sensed, I smelt the scents attracting, bodies longing for the living music dormant in their core drumming.
I stopped, I created, deisgning spaces for the dancers of movement across generations.
I stopped, I acted, connecting humanity in its projections and intentions.
I stopped, I cleansed, purifying the emotional ether with an embracing surrender, acceptance and compassion.
I stopped, I shifted from postures to phrases surrounded by universal graces.
I stopped, I evolved, riding the waves of nowness, flowing with the clarity of consciousness.
I stopped, grounded to a physical reality marrying life experiences with me emerging life role expectancy.
The Threshold smiled back at me, acknowledging my readiness, inviting me to step forward, chanting what comes to me.
I stepped, my voice free with every server bouncing joyfully.
I stepped, with a spacious opening hosting what wants to come through me.
I stepped to manifest the desire of eternity's will through me.
I stepped holding the truth, the breath of every human being.
I stopped. I stepped ...
Friday, August 21, 2009
صراع يصرع رأسي يصم أذني يمحيني
اختفي من حقيقتي أغوص في ذاكرتي تمحيني
اتسأل في فراغي أتواصل مع سكينتي تعيدني
اتجرد من الوجع أتحرر من انفراديتي تفيقيني
اتنشق اصلي أتفاعل مع بيئتي تفيقني
ارادة تريد خيري في ارض الواقع تحملني
دائرة حاضنة وجودي في اطارها تحملني
محية في عمق انسانيتها توحدني
حب يتطور مع السنين يعشق السلام يوحدني
Thursday, August 20, 2009
كتابة تستنشق آثار النهار تصبح
كتابة تحول القصة إلى معنى يغذي مساري
رسالة تحمل هواء الطريق تطير
رسالة تحضن القصة في أوراق بيضاء صورة عن أصلي
رسالة تصادق طبيعة الكون تنتشر
نشرة جوية سردة نقاوة نفسي
نشرة تستجمع حكمة الكل تصل
نشرة تفصّل القصة إاى كلمات تخير مستقبلي
كتابة رسالة نشرة جامعة متحدة في حياتي
ذهب العناد و جاء السلام لأهل البلاد
انفتاح للحرية بعيد عن الخوف من اسرار الحقيقة الذاتية
هنا هنا قريب قريب في حضننا
نجتمع من الاطراف و الوسط لنصل إلى دائرة الوحدة
مجتمعة في حلقة التوحيد
منتشرة في ضواحي و ضفاف الأرض و المحيط
مستمتعة موسيقى الطبيعة ، اسطوانة الحياة، طيورها تغاريدها
منتشلة الاستتار من أعماقها
عودة إلى العهدة سالمة آمنة في صرة وجود النفس
آن الآوان لجمع الخير في الانثى و الذكر لا تفرقة
بل إجماعا لإرادة استمرار الانسانية
هنا هنا هنا قريب قريب أنا انت نحن انا
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Upon the waves of life's wires transmitting
Collecting the pulses of humanity, communicating
Assembling the vibrations of meaning, understanding
Pausing at the thresholds of the breath, attending
Offering the gifts of responding, relating
Creating the activities of dance, flowing
Weaving the aesthetics of production, connecting
Sustaining the goodness of evolving, uniting
Friday, August 14, 2009
I want nothing but believing
Nothing wants me to host the coming
Nothing wants me to simplify the meaning
I want nothing but being
I want nothing but loving
Nothing wants me to facilitate the feeling
Nothing wants me to breathe the new beginning
I befriend nothing
Nothing embraces me
Monday, August 3, 2009
Performers with areas of disability join to reach the highest quality of production with intense sensations:
Across the ancient Phoenician walls, Beauty from the far east - yellow in self confidence join Truth from the middle east - white in purity
Elegant synchronization with waves that flow from an inner rhythm crossing the barrier of deafness in their physical reality
Gently escorted, a center stage for a man whose outer eyes don't show manifested images surrounding him, going inwards, moving the blinds away to reveal a voice so deep reaching the whole of all beings in his presence.
Language disappears, as acknowledgment of intention and attention brings mother tongues from different nations into a unified space.
Electrified with pain, the hands get amputated but the will power shifts the energy to the feet holding the body and finding the strength to handle all acts necessary to move forward
An impeccable show of co-creation from a source vividly present as statues of disabilities transform to dances of harmony on a North land, moving with the tides of the Mediterranean sea, igniting a spark that flies on the wings of the flowing wind, culminating in an outstanding fireworks ovation.

Presence knows no order of difficulty ... simplicity is its mean of expression.