Celebrations of life's natural gifts, bringing meaning and aliveness into our every breathing moment
Celebrations of life's care, bringing love in all its forms into our authentic family moments
Celebrations of life's web, bringing connections beyond boundaries into our expansive growing moments
Celebrations of life's abundance bringing the right people into our life experiences in all the right moments
Celebrations of life's creativity, bringing spontaneous joy into our inherent peaceful moments
Celebrations of life's consciousness, bringing awareness into our heartfelt vibrational moments
Celebrations of life's potential, bringing passionate action into our evolving co-creation moments
and the celebrations continue to flow with our every present moment now ...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Time .. Timing
هل الوقت ذا معنى
اليس الوقت اختراع لتنظيم الحياة اليومية للعمل و الحركة
اليس الوقت كما تعرفنا عليه سجن يحبس النفس فينغلق سجين للعالم الحسيّ بعيد عن الحقيقة منبع وجوده
آن الاوان ليتحرر الوقت من سُلطة المادة و صناعة سَلَطة الحكم الفرديّ المتفرد
آن الاوان ان يخرج النفس الى الواقع الملموس و يدمج الاحساس و التفكير و العمل في عالم الوحدة و التوحيد
هل الوقت قوة للتحكُم
اليس الوقت تقوة
اليس الوقت توقيت يتلاقى مع الحركة المتكاملة الطبيعية في الكون و الجسد منسجمين ، متفاعلين
آن الاوان ان نتوقف فيظهر الانسان الانسانيّ
آن الاوان ان نستسلم لحكمة آخر الوقت فيظهر الخلق الاخلاقيّ ، و نعيش و نتعايش مع وعيّ الحاضر المرئي
Monday, November 29, 2010
Love ... Loving
How does the word Love resonate with me?
Love is conscious relationship, a deep sense of relatedness, away from judgement, cynicism, and fear, trusting oneself to open up and be one Self with other Selves with honesty in every moment;
Love is companionship that accepts, forgives, allows, questions, holds, embraces, listens, challenges and expands us towards growth;
Love is joyful alive moments, happy and sad; up and down, inside and out ..
Love is hearts connected in bodies united amplifying a collective mind moving our attention in to the present moment now, moving our feet on solid grounds, moving our hands in a vibrational light space, with felt-resonance, clear voices, perceptive touches through sound intentions and mindful actions :))
Love is conscious relationship, a deep sense of relatedness, away from judgement, cynicism, and fear, trusting oneself to open up and be one Self with other Selves with honesty in every moment;
Love is companionship that accepts, forgives, allows, questions, holds, embraces, listens, challenges and expands us towards growth;
Love is joyful alive moments, happy and sad; up and down, inside and out ..
Love is hearts connected in bodies united amplifying a collective mind moving our attention in to the present moment now, moving our feet on solid grounds, moving our hands in a vibrational light space, with felt-resonance, clear voices, perceptive touches through sound intentions and mindful actions :))
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The space is so wide and the alley is so narrow
The child is so graceful and the pregnancy is so heavy
The community is so connected and the companions are so dispersed
The garden is flourishing and the weeds are covering
The actions are flowering and the intentions are exploring
The celebrations are energising and the preparations are demanding
The unity is blissful and the duality is screaming
Peaceful Freedom, Peaceful Freedom, Peaceful Freedom
in my breath, I breathe you
in my mind, I see you
in my heart, I feel you
in my body, I am you
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A circle of love comes together
A moment of presence joins sisters and brother
An expansion of unity through collectivity
An embrace of gifts with generosity
Dancing consciously through shadows and light
Creating the possibility with awareness in sight
Vibrations are close by waiting to be held
Simplicity and gentleness nourish the truth that is felt
A moment of presence joins sisters and brother
An expansion of unity through collectivity
An embrace of gifts with generosity
Dancing consciously through shadows and light
Creating the possibility with awareness in sight
Vibrations are close by waiting to be held
Simplicity and gentleness nourish the truth that is felt
A circle of love comes together
A moment of presence joins sisters and brother
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The notes circle the melody innate
Shaking the tune, cleansing the dead beats that wait
Preparing the ground for companions and mates
Spiralling with rhythm in an ensemble that elevates and elates
Birthing a reality of consistency and artistry of an essence that articulates
Moving into action with hearts connected to hands and technologies integrating life away from debates
Expanding with a community of meaning which authentically relates
Forming a family that works through a genuine belonging of a Self that joyfully celebrates
Shaking the tune, cleansing the dead beats that wait
Preparing the ground for companions and mates
Spiralling with rhythm in an ensemble that elevates and elates
Birthing a reality of consistency and artistry of an essence that articulates
Moving into action with hearts connected to hands and technologies integrating life away from debates
Expanding with a community of meaning which authentically relates
Forming a family that works through a genuine belonging of a Self that joyfully celebrates
Friday, September 24, 2010
A dance of interconnection full of meaning
Voices of truth, expressing, being
A journey of life, our story through acting
Birth shows up unintended yet intended; our existence the beginning
A movement in relation, colors dress up the sweetness of feminine flowing
Schooling shows up learning yet unlearning; our environment so so influencing
A travel into the unknown, youth dreaming, inquiring
Masks show up veiled yet unveiled; our fakeness slowly dissolving
A return of our child nature in adulthood, playing, cycling
Traditions show up conditioning yet not conditioning; our positions constantly changing
A technology of newness spreads in all experiences, word twisting, culturally revealing
High heels show up stretching yet not stretching; our partnerships intimately challenging
A conversation of death in form, intensely contradicting, returning
Basic instincts show up vocalising yet not vocalising; our life cycle re-birthing
A light of purity shines through the shadows, freeing, spreading
Names show up speaking yet not speaking; our presence joins others, uniting
A dance of interconnection full of meaning
Voices of truth, expressing, being
(inspired by the performance : W store ma cheft menna which I attended on September 23rd)
Voices of truth, expressing, being
A journey of life, our story through acting
Birth shows up unintended yet intended; our existence the beginning
A movement in relation, colors dress up the sweetness of feminine flowing
Schooling shows up learning yet unlearning; our environment so so influencing
A travel into the unknown, youth dreaming, inquiring
Masks show up veiled yet unveiled; our fakeness slowly dissolving
A return of our child nature in adulthood, playing, cycling
Traditions show up conditioning yet not conditioning; our positions constantly changing
A technology of newness spreads in all experiences, word twisting, culturally revealing
High heels show up stretching yet not stretching; our partnerships intimately challenging
A conversation of death in form, intensely contradicting, returning
Basic instincts show up vocalising yet not vocalising; our life cycle re-birthing
A light of purity shines through the shadows, freeing, spreading
Names show up speaking yet not speaking; our presence joins others, uniting
A dance of interconnection full of meaning
Voices of truth, expressing, being
(inspired by the performance : W store ma cheft menna which I attended on September 23rd)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
ما الذ ملمس الريح على خدّ وجه النور المشع،
ما الطف طبيعة شهر آب يتدرج بين اللهيب المحرق و نسمة المدّ القاطع،
ما اسمى مسرحية الكون على صفحاتها البيضاء متحولة الوان الفاعل الاوسع،
ما اجمل مرآتك الآهي تنعكس دموع و ابتسامات في وحدة العالم الراجع،
ما اسلم العقل الكلي محبة و حب حول نقطة البيكار الدائر الجامع،
باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم في رحمة إله التوحيد الواحد في الجسم و العقل و النفس من قلب الكامل الخالق المبدع
صباح التفهم العائلي و الوعي الجماعي
اجلس على كرسي الحرارة، استلقي و اتنشق هواء الملح العابر
انظر الى البعيد القريب، ارى جبالا شامخة ، جزيرة في وسط البحار
موسيقى العالم تلعب على نغمات هدير الموج المتقلب، تجمع اشكالا و الوانا من مختلف الأطياف
اما اجمل صفاء الذهن ، رقيّ في الحركة الواحدة
صورة متحدة للكون في نقطة على صدر اجمل ام، ارضي
حريق في الجو يلهب الاجساد اجمع
لحظات تمر تشعل حرارة الجسم الازلي
طبقات تذوب تحت عيون متأججة النظر
مياه الكون تغير مسار الانسان على ارض هذا الزمن
ملمس ساخن يغني دفء حدس الواقع
فن الوجود يولع نور علم الكيان الاوسع
وحدة العرفان تلطف دائرة الطوفان و الهذيان المتكاملة
حركة الوعي اليقظ يبرد الجو يعيد النظام الطبيعي الأولي
ملكة على عرش الحياة تملكت كلمة
شِعر ٌ من منبع الوجود شعر بالعرش
جودة التعبير على صفحة الارض وجدت تاج الحقيقة
عبير الرائحة الذكية امتزج مع الحكمة عَبر آفاق الربيع
حيرة تختفي عند التقاء الأخوة و الاصدقاء تريح المملكة
صدق في الاتحاد قصد ارتقاء النفس إلى خلق قصر التوحيد
التعب عاتب على اصراري قائلا الا تدري ان الوقت حان للاجتماع
قومي، قفي على رجليك، اثبتي قوتك في ارض الكون
ميلي ألف ميل ، استمعي الى دقات قلبي
انا الراحة في نفسك ، الجسد مرآة حرارتك
احبك في هالتك، فلا تختفي في حقيقتك
اسمعي حبيبتي، اسمعي ، جمالك عبارة لا تعبر
انت صدق الصديق فلا تخاف ، ولا تهاب الحزن العميق
قومي، قفي، اسمعي نحن لك اعزّ من اعزّ صديق
الحياة انت ، انت الحياة فاستجيبي و سلمّي
فالسلام للسلام معرفة و وجود و توحيد،
قفي يا هلا قفي، اثبتي رجليك و ارقصي
فانت الحرية في اغنية السلام
انت ، نحن جنبك لا نتركك
صوتك صوت صوت صوت
و انا لك سلام ، منبع للفعل و الفاعل
كلمات من هنا و هناك و الواقع اجمل من جمال رؤيتك
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I look @ the garden, and I go straight to the centre that remains light amongst the dark shadows that desire to block it. I witness the pouring of pure soft rays in the shape of a crystal chandelier into the heart of the matter.
Sad faces show from all sides, so much heaviness. I can't breathe, I can't breathe ..
I move the photo from my visual sight, and embrace the salty water pouring along my cheeks, look again to see a giant, oh no a person whose face is elongated from the top to the centre narrowing on the shoulders that carry those sad faces, extending two beautiful arms with the most delicate hands, so clear, so vivid touching the knees that hold the legs that feel like going down to a crouching position into the invisible.
The central organs radiate with COLOR and aliveness and the heart and lungs breath in-out with a fragment/a crack that appears.
The smiling face unites the legs and holds them steady, with the shadows of white angels opening their mouths to pass their Love towards the crown that trickles through the midline ....
With a U turn, the image transforms to a community surrounding a tower that connects at its spire two petals protecting a child being born with open arms high over the chest held with enigmatic sunlight that shows that the tower is no more than a person with a narrow elongated chest and a humble face carrying a hat, no longer a spire, that filters the light to the community :)
Sad faces show from all sides, so much heaviness. I can't breathe, I can't breathe ..
I move the photo from my visual sight, and embrace the salty water pouring along my cheeks, look again to see a giant, oh no a person whose face is elongated from the top to the centre narrowing on the shoulders that carry those sad faces, extending two beautiful arms with the most delicate hands, so clear, so vivid touching the knees that hold the legs that feel like going down to a crouching position into the invisible.
The central organs radiate with COLOR and aliveness and the heart and lungs breath in-out with a fragment/a crack that appears.
The smiling face unites the legs and holds them steady, with the shadows of white angels opening their mouths to pass their Love towards the crown that trickles through the midline ....
With a U turn, the image transforms to a community surrounding a tower that connects at its spire two petals protecting a child being born with open arms high over the chest held with enigmatic sunlight that shows that the tower is no more than a person with a narrow elongated chest and a humble face carrying a hat, no longer a spire, that filters the light to the community :)
A beautiful face reveals itself, approaching the observer with a rich smile contoured by a fiery red upper lip and an extended grounded earthy one.
The nose finds its opening in the womb of the dark blue sea, also smiling creating space for the subconscious creatures roaming below to surface and land on one of the many circles that surround thee.
The eyes shine with life through the continuos wavy uninterrupted glasses, radiating the creative energy of the unspoken from the centre and edges towards the rocky creature that amplifies it through its jaws cracking the left pupil with the light that encircles it down along the breath that comes and goes through the lower sphere.
The right 'I' finds a feather that tickles it bringing a dragon that pushes along an unknown ghost, watched by a queen in a shell @ the boundary of the inner circle, wrapped by a red shawl that twirls her towards the hunched wise man praying @ the foundation of the rite pupil's bridge; moving along to reach an eyebrow with the calligraphy of ancient inscriptions shining with a subtle smile towards a centre :) In the depth of that eye, is a toiled seat, an invitation to let go the 'toil' in to the 'sea'.
The forehead completes the cycle of water moulding the cracks into a tear drop that turns into a smile.
The seal finds the white land and north we go, up and up; softly, gently as our crown ignites with a spark that ripples to every organ in this inviting face ...
A shit, U turn, a transformation as the viewpoint changes, now the observer is caught aback by the cynicism of that face that appears;
The neck accentuates a stressed being with red anger concentrated around the vocal chords; the mouth twitches and is full of emptiness, dark, vast, separating the crack(s); the nose closes down to a few blotches of mucus, no space to breathe ..
The cracks are amplified with a white figure holding tightly working hard to maintain the connective flow between the sight and the voice.
The eyes change, still embedded by the envelop of its glasses, to a savage look with a smiling bear encircled by red venom that wants to cross the flat platform to spread across the vas vast sea; the forehead feels heavy as the stress of the blood pressures its top preventing the wave of knowing from reaching the (w)hole !!
The nose finds its opening in the womb of the dark blue sea, also smiling creating space for the subconscious creatures roaming below to surface and land on one of the many circles that surround thee.
The eyes shine with life through the continuos wavy uninterrupted glasses, radiating the creative energy of the unspoken from the centre and edges towards the rocky creature that amplifies it through its jaws cracking the left pupil with the light that encircles it down along the breath that comes and goes through the lower sphere.
The right 'I' finds a feather that tickles it bringing a dragon that pushes along an unknown ghost, watched by a queen in a shell @ the boundary of the inner circle, wrapped by a red shawl that twirls her towards the hunched wise man praying @ the foundation of the rite pupil's bridge; moving along to reach an eyebrow with the calligraphy of ancient inscriptions shining with a subtle smile towards a centre :) In the depth of that eye, is a toiled seat, an invitation to let go the 'toil' in to the 'sea'.
The forehead completes the cycle of water moulding the cracks into a tear drop that turns into a smile.
The seal finds the white land and north we go, up and up; softly, gently as our crown ignites with a spark that ripples to every organ in this inviting face ...
A shit, U turn, a transformation as the viewpoint changes, now the observer is caught aback by the cynicism of that face that appears;
The neck accentuates a stressed being with red anger concentrated around the vocal chords; the mouth twitches and is full of emptiness, dark, vast, separating the crack(s); the nose closes down to a few blotches of mucus, no space to breathe ..
The cracks are amplified with a white figure holding tightly working hard to maintain the connective flow between the sight and the voice.
The eyes change, still embedded by the envelop of its glasses, to a savage look with a smiling bear encircled by red venom that wants to cross the flat platform to spread across the vas vast sea; the forehead feels heavy as the stress of the blood pressures its top preventing the wave of knowing from reaching the (w)hole !!
Oneness do join us to stay, strong in our strife to thee as Love resonates the flood of our being with the breath of humanity ...
Oneness read us the story of our presence ignited in the letters that make up our wakefulness ...
Oneness evolve our emptiness into the fullness that brings silence to liberty ....
Oneness carry our wings connecting the world in its entirety ....
Oneness bear our children in their purity ....
Oneness read us the story of our presence ignited in the letters that make up our wakefulness ...
Oneness evolve our emptiness into the fullness that brings silence to liberty ....
Oneness carry our wings connecting the world in its entirety ....
Oneness bear our children in their purity ....
في قلب البيت هدوء يحرك المشاعر و الشعور
في ممرات الفسحة معرفة الخبراء تحمل شوق الزائرين تحميها
في واجهة المدخل اسهم الذكرى تحصر الحقيقة ترسلها
في وسط المطبخ طبخة سلام الأمومة تبذر صحة الابناء تسعدها
في زاوية المقهى ذاكرة الخلق تندمج مع تضحية الأم تجمعها
في صدر المجلس حديث الأصدقاء ينمي ترابط المعاني يغنيها
في حضن السجاد تفاعل الاحباء يطلق ابتسامة الحنان ينعشها
في جانب السفرة صراحة التواصل تبدل سترة العلاقة تطورها
في ارض الشعاع تفاصيل الحياة تنير اضواء الانسجام تنشرها
في كواليس المكان طفولة الأخوة تلعب ، تسمع ، تستضيف برآءة اللحظة توحدها
في ممرات الفسحة معرفة الخبراء تحمل شوق الزائرين تحميها
في واجهة المدخل اسهم الذكرى تحصر الحقيقة ترسلها
في وسط المطبخ طبخة سلام الأمومة تبذر صحة الابناء تسعدها
في زاوية المقهى ذاكرة الخلق تندمج مع تضحية الأم تجمعها
في صدر المجلس حديث الأصدقاء ينمي ترابط المعاني يغنيها
في حضن السجاد تفاعل الاحباء يطلق ابتسامة الحنان ينعشها
في جانب السفرة صراحة التواصل تبدل سترة العلاقة تطورها
في ارض الشعاع تفاصيل الحياة تنير اضواء الانسجام تنشرها
في كواليس المكان طفولة الأخوة تلعب ، تسمع ، تستضيف برآءة اللحظة توحدها
شعرة تمد جسراً في جنة الكون تجمعها
تميل تستلقي من يعبرها ، و تحمي من يمر تحت قناطرها
نقطة في قمتها توازن اساسها وجودها
مجرى في قاعدتها يفتح افق الحياة ملعبها
زخرفة في مسارها تألق تعبيرها جمالها
ثبات في حركتها تأمن السلام ، السلامة لروادها
صوت في شقوقها يعيد الوعي لأهلها
انسجام في تفاعلها يربط حلقات جذورها مع اخوتها و احبائها
وحدة في ارادتها تحول الانتباه للخلق و الابداع كيانها
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
From the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean
A flight into a cruise that sails us along our coastal terrains
A city in the sea, joining life and mystery
A city in the seat of a mountain's heat, reminiscing life amongst lifeless memories
A panorama of interdependency, rejoicing glory and divinity
A theatre of creativity, celebrating diversity and fluidity
A field of miracles, unifying our entrance and exit, upright and leaning
A throne of stability, amplifying comfort and aesthetics, grounding and flowing
A nice promenade, connecting the mount and the harbour of simplicity in luxury
A skating moment, letting go the shaky port of industrial intensity
A community of beings, flying by in close proximity
A family of naturals, dancing to the organic rhythm of harmony in ecstasy
A change in course, silencing the mind's conditioning and surface thinking
An expansion in fullness, letting come the spontaneous joy and rightful willing
A transformation in form, conserving essence with clear visibility
A structure of belonging, contracting and enfolding the present company
An acknowledgment of integrity, evolving towards a wordless infinity
An appreciation of beauty, surrendering with love to our peaceful authenticity
A cruise into a flight that returns us to our spacious landscape plains
From the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean
A flight into a cruise that sails us along our coastal terrains
A city in the sea, joining life and mystery
A city in the seat of a mountain's heat, reminiscing life amongst lifeless memories
A panorama of interdependency, rejoicing glory and divinity
A theatre of creativity, celebrating diversity and fluidity
A field of miracles, unifying our entrance and exit, upright and leaning
A throne of stability, amplifying comfort and aesthetics, grounding and flowing
A nice promenade, connecting the mount and the harbour of simplicity in luxury
A skating moment, letting go the shaky port of industrial intensity
A community of beings, flying by in close proximity
A family of naturals, dancing to the organic rhythm of harmony in ecstasy
A change in course, silencing the mind's conditioning and surface thinking
An expansion in fullness, letting come the spontaneous joy and rightful willing
A transformation in form, conserving essence with clear visibility
A structure of belonging, contracting and enfolding the present company
An acknowledgment of integrity, evolving towards a wordless infinity
An appreciation of beauty, surrendering with love to our peaceful authenticity
A cruise into a flight that returns us to our spacious landscape plains
From the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean

Monday, August 16, 2010
Painful endings, a transitional period; pause
Frontline practitioners develop people's innate capacity; mold, bend, transform
Anomie, atomie; culture, structure loss
Creativity, knowing, authenticity; social field shift
Totality, connection; relate, converse, think and act
Attention, intention; invisible dimension
Think, process; blank canvas
After, during, before; interior condition
"From what source does our action come?"
Learning; Learning, Learning
Experiences of the past, the future as it emerges
All depends on us to bring it into being
Living quality of the soil, visible, invisible, yield
Grounding condition, a field walk, a whole host of living entities
Culture, cultivation, deepening the connection between both worlds
Leverage point, interface; interior condition simultaneously
Field structure of attention; shallow, deep
Observer, observed; I-in-me: I-in-it: I-in-you: I-in-now
Open mind, open heart, open will
Listening, Listening, Listening
Downloading, reconfirming habitual judgements
Object-focused, factual, information that differs
Empathetic listening, story of a living being, a living system and self
Generative Listening, open a space , emerging authentic Self
Mind of wisdom, sun centre of universe
Experimental, our senses to gather external data
Action turn, reflective turn
Five capacities to grasp the truth
Things that are determined by necessity, art, practical wisdom , theoretical wisdom, intuition
Thinking, conversing, structuring, and globally connecting
Co-initiating, co-sensing, co-presencing, co-creating, co-evolving
Through phenomenology, dialogue, collaborative action research
Knowledge, Reality, Self
Knowledge, Reality, Self
(Introduction Chapter, Theory U, Otto Scharmer)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The cycle turns, meeting us again
One in an inward outward journey of mystery unveiled
One in a downward upward cleansing of organic stories released
The sun and moon relate, meeting us again
One in an amber warm halo that moves the light
One in a new blankness that expands creativity in sight
The birds and trees connect, meeting us again
One in a song of freedom, conversations alive
One in the root of expression, awareness revive
The birth and death unite, meeting us again
One in an expansion, letting come the breath of life spontaneously
One in a contraction, letting go the waste of mind digestively
The back and front merge, meeting us again
One in a mirror, reflecting a lineage of patterns, past into present
One in perception, sensing the becoming of future into present
The day and night dissolve, meeting us again
One in action, applying knowledge in experience
One in surrender, resting learning on a white canvas of essence
The individual and community enfold, meeting us again
One in presence, becoming peace of mind
One in belonging, unfolding the field of love in kind
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
soft rainbow light filters through the window
the warmth of the sun lightly kissing my face
i blush a pink blush of spring against jade green
hazy steam gently rising from asphalt
I unveil my layers
creation falls
through my fingers
bowing colours of light.
the warmth of the sun lightly kissing my face
i blush a pink blush of spring against jade green
hazy steam gently rising from asphalt
I unveil my layers
creation falls
through my fingers
bowing colours of light.
(by amy)
Fire fire fire .............
Transforming darkness to our true heart desire ....
Emerging forms join in one choir ....
Tracing hands expand a foundation, for a whole, entire ...
Transforming darkness to our true heart desire ....
Emerging forms join in one choir ....
Tracing hands expand a foundation, for a whole, entire ...
(by hala)
What sparks creativity in the midst of the ordinary?
What parks creativity when the business of the ordinary takes over?
What is a playground without a play?
What is a community without a commitment?
Co-creation the natural park of life's creativity
Co-creating the igniting spark of ordinary creativity
Creativity ... (re)activity ... sparks in natural parks ....
nothingness the seat of fullness
fullness the dance of oneness
oneness the embracing entrance
entrance the invitation to substance
substance the creation of humans
humans the activity of innocence
innocence the breath of wholeness
wholeness the carrier of peacefulness
peacefulness the emptiness of nothingness
Sunday, February 7, 2010
طقس متقلب يتماوج بين هدوء الانفتاح و غمق حركة الارتفاع
هبوط الحرارة في الخارج الملموس ، يعيدنا الى داخل دفء بيتنا المحسوس
انهار المد و الجزر يتفاعل مع احمرار الدم الكثيف و السائل ، يوقظنا الى طبيعة الجسد الشامخ المائل
دقات عالية الاصوات تعيد طبلات الآذان الى وقع موسيقى الحياة ، تتمازج مع سكينة دقات القلب الانساني تألف اغنية ال،اقع الحقيقي
ارتخاء النفس للاستماع و السمع، ينشط ارادة الفعل الكوني لخدمة الفرد و المجموعة اجمع
طقس متحد في رسالته ، ينشر التوازن بين نهار الوعي و ليل اغلاق عيون الجهل
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