Wednesday, June 23, 2010

soft rainbow light filters through the window
the warmth of the sun lightly kissing my face
i blush a pink blush of spring against jade green
hazy steam gently rising from asphalt
I unveil my layers
creation falls
through my fingers
bowing colours of light.

(by amy)

Fire fire fire .............
Transforming darkness to our true heart desire ....
Emerging forms join in one choir ....
Tracing hands expand a foundation, for a whole, entire ...

(by hala)
What sparks creativity in the midst of the ordinary?
What parks creativity when the business of the ordinary takes over?
What is a playground without a play?
What is a community without a commitment?
Co-creation the natural park of life's creativity
Co-creating the igniting spark of ordinary creativity
Creativity ... (re)activity ... sparks in natural parks ....
nothingness the seat of fullness
fullness the dance of oneness
oneness the embracing entrance
entrance the invitation to substance
substance the creation of humans
humans the activity of innocence
innocence the breath of wholeness
wholeness the carrier of peacefulness
peacefulness the emptiness of nothingness

What is co-creating?
a (k)new term being?
an echo-trac(e)ing?
a mystery unfolding?
a blessing igniting?
a harmony uniting?
a feeling enfolding?
a song enchanting?
a beauty expanding?
a movement enacting?
a body presencing?
a simplicity beyond questioning?
What is co-creating?