Friday, March 18, 2011

Feminine qualities calling for embodiment

Feminine qualities calling for embodiment

I am not coming to speak of women, men gender qualities ...
I am not coming to differentiate ...
I am not coming to judge ...
I am coming though ...
I am coming to speak what is in my heart ...
I am coming to write what I see around me ...
I am coming to dance with the e-motions that want to show up through me ...

Being a woman is not directly equivalent to embracing femininity;
Being a woman in the late 20th century, in the "modern" world and the developing world seeking to be "modern", cut femininity to its barest stalks; filling the body with pain, anger, grief and fear;
Being a woman in a dominant unconscious culture of destructive power, competitive ambition, greed dependency, viral consumer bacterias; disconnected the hearts from its true nature; directing their personal, family and work leadership through suppression or control or manipulation or pretence;

Why? no one can answer; it is in the wisdom of life itself that the answers can be found ...
How? we each have our own answers; and they are all valid ...
Where to ? to bring those questions to each other ...
When? now, in this present moment now

Voices ....
Voices now want to join the emerging (k)new wave ...
Voices that shake and shake, trusting that their rhythms will eventually be felt and heard
Voices that thunder and thunder the rage of their rape; lightening the light that will bring us awake 
Voices that rain and rain the tears of the pain, saying we are born complete and sane 
Voices that water and water the roots of their authenticity, nourishing the essence of peace and harmony
Voices that flower and flower the flour of their cooking, feeding the truth of a unifying life that's becoming 

Feminine qualities calling for embodiment

holding space, receptivity, openness, expansion, movement through cycles, connecting to patterns, life/death periods, conscious surrender, care, nurture, compassion .. and more .. and more ...

The feminine can be felt easier in a woman's body, as she was organically formed to embody it naturally;

The feminine is not saying woman or man;

The feminine is saying conscious woman and conscious man;

The feminine is saying, let us dance together, appreciating our gifts and roles;

The feminine is saying, let go of ignoring me, let come of embracing me in our coming together;

The feminine is saying, life is generous and abundant, let us trust it beyond our limited mental frames;

The feminine is saying, stop doing what others love as duty, love what you do in responsibility;

The feminine is saying, we can connect through our hearts, let me show you the beauty of felt-perception, so you can be and become in community

Feminine qualities calling for embodiment 

Lyrical moments

circle, circle, come to play; 
spiral, spiral, through and sway;
wave, wave, flow our way;
square, square, the room with clay;
pyramid, pyramid, the peak is real;
angle, angle, the direction of the wheel;
swirl, swirl, the chaos of the street;
dance, dance, the rhythm of your beat;
silence, silence, into the stillness of our nature;
heart, heart, peace of mind in a responsive body posture;
circle, circle, come to play;

 (inspired by a beautiful 2 years old)

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Born

how come all this is happening in this present moment now ?

what is happening; a strong engagement of our felt perception; moving us in many ways wherever we are placed in this present moment;a common intense wave of change is rippling through the inner wall layers entering final stages of labor; let's feel it, feel the pain of expansion, listening to the inner breathing of another within us, uniting our breaths in syncronicity to reduce the pain and feel our way through ...

the holder engaging in a dance with a new born, wanting to show up at the right time, in his/her own natural way, asking us to hear him/her and respond with care;

the contractions are speeding up, and in between there is a resting period before another contraction comes without any warning;yes and by being carefully attentive, we can catch it at its start and breath with it to pass with ease; noticing how we expand preparing to receive this beautiful new born longing to join us, without knowing how he/she will look and what he/she will bring; just having deep faith that by our healthy holding and continuous conscious  nurturing of ourselves and hence the new born, we will be united with a pure soul who chose this family and community to actively participate in life ...

the time of birth is getting closer and closer, the water breaks and all emotions pour out, the unity of our togetherness is getting closer; a choice is presented; suppress the pain or stay in complete presence and acceptance;two experiences of different dynamics, in one we are absent from the connection as it shows up, we have released our responsibility to the hands of others who direct the body which has become senseless, and another choice where the intensity of the pain brings more intimate awareness of the process and the inner movement maintaining a connection that becomes a gift of knowing through feeling ...

the midwives support the mother, and the father's consciousness directs the drive and motivation .. with one final aligned rhythmical breath the new born shows up from a dark womb into a light space, into the arms of his/her nurturer and warmth of light;

the time has come to cut the chord; who does it, how is it done, when is it done; all necessary questions as the child is gently embraced int the new light he came to, as the child is gently guided to let go of the safety of the womb and its history entering into life with all his/her innocent energy and pure vibrations to bring conscious action in community, unfolding it nature with the nurture of culture and the beauty of human nature in a peaceful mind with an open heart and loving will, joining attention with intention, co-creating his/her life experience .....

a new born is alive and living amongst us, with us ...
a new born is here, breathing his/her unique breath into our collective breathing space ...
a new born ...

what if mother earth itself is birthing a new born child?
what if she is in her final stages of labor, feeling pain, unbearable pain with each contraction?
what if she is asking fro compassionate holding and attention, instead of premature birth, forced labor or surgical intervention ...?
what if ..?

and then who are the facilitators?
who are the midwives supporting her in the process, holding her and her unborn new born with loving care and attention?
who are the anaesthesiologists who prefer to suppress the pain, cutting off the senses?
who are the people who want to control the process away from deep listening which enables the natural birthing?
who are the unconscious who are fighting the delivery by creating obstacles, destroying lives, seeking an abortion?
who are the conscious fathers universally connected, and standing with awareness next to her guiding the process through their unconditional presence and love ?

who are we in this emerging new born story?
