Wednesday, December 31, 2008

خطوط متكاثرة على كفّ عفريت

كفّ مغلق يشدّ على الوتر الحساس، فيسكته

تضاريس الجبال و الوديان تظهر منفعلة

ظهور القوة للصدّ على من يهاجم الأرض، فيحميه

خمس أصابع تتراقص ببطء و سكون لتنفتح

سكون يتواصل مع الآخر ليصل إلى منبع الخطوط، فيرطبه

سهل يمحي العقد ينبسط مرتاح

انبساط السلام للمدّ نحو عروق قلب الحياة، فينعشه

Friday, December 19, 2008

عيد مولد، مولد الشعاع الأحمر

كرات ملونة تتكاثر في ضفاف سلة الرحم الأزهر

جواهر ذهبية متعلقة بخيوط حريرية مرئية ذات لون أسمر

أضواء الألماس تتألق على عناقيد العنق الأخضر

عيد مولد، مولد الحقيقة و جمال السلام الأكبر

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It’s not for me, why can’t you see

The call is clear, for all so near

A messenger I am, a driver, a lamp

The light is so bright, why do you fight

Come close, repose, understand the cause

Support the birth with a loving rapport

It’s not for me, it is for eternity

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Walk the talk with clarity and unity

Model the values to reach deep democracy

Love the cause to serve with dignity

Lead yourself to touch potential and creativity

Expand the circle to include diversity

Open your heart to connect with empathy

Reach the mass to act collectively

Walk the talk with clarity and unity

Monday, November 24, 2008

رقصة انفعالية من محي الوقت العصيب

رقصة انسجامية في الأفق الرقيب

رقصة مرئية في السماء البعيد

رقصة منسية في القلب الفريد

رقصة محميّة في كنف عائلة التوحيد

رقصة سلميّة في وجه الحب الوليد

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Face to face with rocks and minerals

Sliding on a beam of invisible particles

Undressed, exposed capturing the thoughts

Unwind, rewind memories that’s caught

Unleash, release the spirit that flows

Uncover, recover the love that glows

Face to face with rocks and minerals

Observing freedom from corpses unethical

Waves of freedom fill the air

Reunited with nature everywhere

Face to face with rocks and minerals

Come join us in a story that’s magical

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

نساء التاريخ اجتمعت, أدوارهن اختلفت

بركان من المعرفة و الماضي في جسم طفلة ارتوت

شعاع من الحيوية و الإنسانية في هالة شابة فلحت

شجاعة من العصور و الخبرة في ثورة سيدة أكرمت

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A stroll, a jog, a drive
Transport you to a wondrous hive

A dig, a drill, a knife
Cut through the skin of life

The parapluie, the scarf, the hat
Protect our bodies from soaking down flat

The laugh, the eyes, the smiles
Bring love, connection and intimacy into our times

Saturday, November 8, 2008

سمعت صدى لم ألتفت لأن الصوت له مدى

صوت دفين مرتمي في أحضان أم الحياة محتوي

يعلو شيئا فشيئا , ببطء و تروي

يصل حلقة فارغة يدغدغها , ما يلبث أن يساكنها

يتنشق الواقع من منارات الإحساس الموجودة هنا

ينتفض بصرخة عالية,

تجمع الداخل والخارج بلحظة رنانة صاخبة

فيتحول صدى في أجواء الحياة الكاملة من دون مدى

Friday, October 31, 2008

The glowing spark returned with a splash

The story transformed with a flicker in a flash

The warmth brings sweetness to the rim of the space

The hue cleans the shadow away from the face

The runner’s fitness pulsates the body

The laguna colors evolve through study

The mind hangs to the rail of thinking

The hand joins creativity in the art of making

The warrior, rested, restores his energy

The lover, open, understands with empathy

The world strides in oneness and unity

The circle of life radiates with serenity and harmony

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It’s all in the question.

Find it

Explore it

Open it up to others

Learn from it about it

Experience its power

Enjoy the feeling

Assimilate the knowledge

It’s all in the question

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ماذا ؟ لا هذا ليس السؤال

أين ؟ هنا ما نفع السؤال

لمن؟ لنا في دوامة السؤال

كيف؟ سوى مع طبيعة السؤال

من؟ أنا في وحدة السؤال

أجوبة مدفونة في عمق أحرف السؤال

أجوبة تتصاعد لتصل رحم السؤال

أجوبة تولد فتحرر خيط السؤال

أجوبة تفعل تتفاعل لنمو روح السؤال

أجوبة تتزاوج تجتمع لخلق تكامل السؤال

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paradise a bubble that’s complete

Harmony perfection that is sweet

Ecstasy happiness that is deep

Symphony unity that comes with a leap

Order chaos that is neat

Melody music with a pleat

Love eternity that’s complete

Victory a smile that’s so sweet

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why am I sad?

What happened?

The sky is blue not gray

The earth is fertile not dry

The water is flowing not blocked

The body is flexible not stiff

Sunday, September 14, 2008

In an air wave flight

A ball of fire flames a cry of plight

The unknown burns away as truth comes to sight

Hands and hearts embraced into an eternal moment that’s right

Minds carry pure thoughts on the air waves reaching new heights

Love fills friendship with passion in a dance full of might

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hold me as I step towards you

Nourish me as I seek what’s true

Empower me as I maintain the cue

Heal me as I follow the hue

Love me as I open what’s new

Embrace me as I find my partners more than two

Forgive me as I surrender to the moment’s dew

Stay with me as I connect to all colors including blue

I miss the energy that serves with loving

I miss the giving that leads to learning

I miss the knowing that evolves to growing

I miss the beauty that unfolds the feeling

I miss the action that translates from thinking

I miss the connection that is the source of being

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A group under the sparkling sunset shade
White doves dance on a blue surface wave
Ladies assembled observing their bodies fade
Bridges shifting to wheels along the enlightened cave
Fish swim by, colourful and merry
Questioning the whereabouts of the males,
oh on the ferry
Energies consumed, nourishment resumed
Breaths of aliveness mingled with ego’s reviveness
Teacher stay teaching what is asked for in tone
Students try moving away from your comfort zone
Emptiness is engaging in uniting the whole
Love is embracing in the oneness of all

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Words echo in the reminisce of whistles
Words speed to catch the movement of rustles
Music spurts its notes from the tap with a splash
Music fades its rhythm into silence with a latch
Arts bring color to characters in action
Arts play lightly shining creative thoughts in notion
Dance fills the place with life full of life
Dance joins the hands and hearts with an essence beyond strife

Monday, August 4, 2008

A group under the sparkling sunset shade
White doves dance on a blue surface wave

Ladies assembled observing their bodies fade
Bridges shifting to wheels along the enlightened cave

Fish swim by, colourful and merry
Questioning the whereabouts of the males, oh on the ferry

Energies consumed, nourishment resumed
Breaths of aliveness mingled with ego’s reviveness

Teacher stay teaching what is asked for in tone
Students try moving away from your comfort zone

Emptiness is engaging in uniting the whole
Love is embracing in the oneness of all

Monday, July 7, 2008

Blessings as surrender precedes
Blessings as steadiness recedes

Balance through instruments pointing high
Stability from a gravity that lights up the why

Release, eliminating darkness
Purification, illuminating brightness

Blessings shining on a surface, a face
Blessings bringing the warmest embrace

Friday, June 20, 2008

Freedom out there in our reach

Heading to the harbor of peace

Finding an anchor of steel

Parking amongst chaos, oh so real

Freedom joins diversity in the field

Making its way towards a responsible yield

Breathing in, purity and simplicity

Breathing out, density and complexity

Freedom transforms love to service

Uniting all to celebrate the harvest

Weaving an invisible story

Sending a shining light full of glory

Freedom out there in our reach

Heading to the harbor of peace

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Portray of faces stay where you are
E-book my bible, I’ll guide you so far
Libraries hold books for ingenious exploration
With arts created around imagination and inspiration
Unconscious is trapped, whose asking the question
Freedom and strength join love and compassion
Awareness of an embrace that holds us together
Elevating the relationship to best friends forever

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Outer there amongst the hills and mountains

The echoes fly on a magic carpet

Reaching finding a safety net

Separating, yet embracing what is spread from the heart of a fresh pure fountain

Trees frame the picture of a corpsy forest, lying down in touch with a deep horizon

Victory portrays the moment with dignity

Seeking the path that joins the roads of our destiny

Burnt or fresh the magic remains

As growth develops and love contains

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A love-ly day shines

with a touch of coolness on the spines

The curtain dances in its pleat

caressed by a breeze that knows no retreat

The cavities brushed from the reminisce of the night

find a force crying love me don’t fight

The touch is harsh and the squares do block

senses that want to penetrate the heart to rock

Beauty around, centered with no sound

Illuminating a presence in a circle so round

The game has started, the ball is thrown

Sniffles & Saks actors on their throne

Rules must be obeyed, the director informs

Guidelines will be drawn, as the crew conforms

A play of rapport, the producer does weave

With words and actions transforming the artists grieve

An outcome of greatness, the team performs

Celebrating unity in togetherness, as diversity takes form

Beauty around, centered with no sound

Illuminating a presence in a circle so round

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Within my world of technology

I found my heart in society

Machines robotize the process

As love frees the purified essence

Chips minute and mobile, do find their place

Relationships deep and connected, change their pace

Computing blends with the periphery

Leaving man in touch with his own creativity

A change of role appears

Seeking our attention before all disappears

Bodies reform as objects transform

Hearts radiate as minds innovate

All originating from a center

That joins individuality and collectivity in harmony together

Within my world of technology

I found my heart in society

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lost one kilo but gained my soul

Clear mind, clear heart finding its call

In the midst of a search, questions arise

Nature responds through man and his enterprise

Relax, respond, renew

Bring the whole through an invisible glue

Retreat, reflect, rejoice

Feel the oneness eliminate the noise

Remember the source

As you stay on the course

Lost one kilo but gained my soul

Clear mind, clear heart finding its call

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A pressure on my chest

Brings out what is for my best

I open the channel

To find a shining tunnel

I walk on my four

Until I reach an open door

That asks me to stand high

For what meets me does not question why

A march that steps forward

Witnesses the disappearance of a coward

Reaching the destination with a smile full of honor

Fulfilling the meaning, accepting the offer of a one generous donor

Friday, April 18, 2008

Around a campfire we sit

A circle, a form, a fit

The stories are shared in oneness with earth

As the pine seeds and stalks bring warmth to our breath

United in harmony in a Victorian Ceremony

A shady white moon peaks amongst the majestic trees

Witnessing an ensemble of diversity mixed with reprise

The songs are composed from echoes of purity

As silence prevails in the hearts of our destiny

The questions surrender to the moment of choice

No business or knowledge, just love and rejoice

The time has come to call it a night

A new circle has formed: stones, ashes and sparks what a delight

Shadows walk forward guided by the teacher’s flashlight

Reaching the steps with candles in sight

Finding their place which opens a door

To a wonderful space full of ecstasy and grace

A call for a new born

A longing so deep

Preparing for the unknown

Coming out with a leap

Adoption an option

Confusion a mere refusion

Step out of your skin

All the growth to begin

Feel the freshness of innocence

Release the tension to bring significance

A call for a new born

A call for a new born

In a space that is full of gold wheat and corn

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I sing a song of longing

I join the flock of birds

We fill the space with music

For all who want to stay,

We hold the morning in our rhythm

Watching our guiding star flick away

Together we welcome the start of a new play

With shape and color, movement and fire

Stringing a harmonious dance for us to-day

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hearts come forward, hearts pump life
Drinking water from the pipes
Arches open passages of light
for platforms, courtyards all in sight
Steps guide man towards an open space
connecting to an eternity full of grace
Forms and figures find their shape
with hands engraving an authentic cape
Earth rejoins its surrounding streets
spreading health along the alleys, squares and Hermes' treat
Hearts come forward, hearts pump life
transforming the doctor's place to a haven of love that’s sweet and ripe

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Prepare, Prepare the body and soul
The spirit is ready to action the call
Remain alert, experience the world
With love, compassion and a truthful word
A leap year to jump away from the smoke
Separation from those who burn and croak
The light intensifies, the feeling is strong
The team expands where the vision belongs
Hearts remain loyal as friends evolve
Projects emerge as challenges resolve
Intentions, attention, n is alive and living
Removing the mask to reveal peace and giving

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Couple, groups

Purple pink troops

Climb the bark

Penetrating the dark

Robes hide what wants to be exposed

Strolling against the shadows totally bestowed

Pages and pages witness a mark

As black ink turns blankness into a spark

Action and practice are waiting ahead

Making it happen not stuck in the head

Slowly and patiently the team will join n

Singing the love song, dancing the slow

What a beautiful network embracing all women and men

Pages and pages witness a mark

As black ink turns blankness into a spark

Action and practice are waiting ahead

Making it happen not stuck in the head

Slowly and patiently the team will join n

Singing the love song, dancing the slow

What a beautiful network embracing all women and men

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chit Chat Chat, Chit Chat Chat, nothing here or there

Blah, blah, blah, fill the heavy air

Whine and dine, on a rock

Amongst a crowd, a flock

Drink a past, staying stuck

Blind to a spring, awaiting its pluck

Fruits divine, colorful in its shine

Sparkle freshness, seek the buds to taste the juiciness

Voices mingle, noise gets stronger

Forms do fade, as peace surrenders

Chit Chat Chat, Chit Chat Chat nothing here or there

Blah, blah, blah, fill the heavy air

Monday, February 25, 2008


Colors, colors stop the horrors

People take you, think they own you

Red and orange, green and yellow

Don’t forget the blue that mellows

Pop away, do move and sway

Blend the mix to start the fix

Join the platform, lead the minds

Touch the hearts and grasp the hands

Find the canvas splash around

Watch new forms emerge abound

Round and wiggly, curved and straight

Purple and lime with a solid claret

Colors, colors keep your magic

Taste the sweetness of this epic

People take you, feel they know you

Red and orange, green and yellow

Don’t forget the blue that mellows

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I screamed last night the words of love

They resonated so loudly they awoke the dove

The space was living an experience of practice slowing down

As the vehicle was roaming on the streets announcing a pure love to the knight of the crown

A circle of friends, caught up in their memories, re-ignited the flames of future possibilities

Technology, innovation, procurement and poetry were shared amongst what became a symbol of a single family

I screamed last night the words of love

They resonated so loudly they awoke the dove

The plane hums and flickers in the darkness of the night as it prepares to land under the lovely bright star’s oversight

Newness finds its way to the land, clearing the path for a new wave of action with a bunch of strong hands

The port welcomes the silence, while its ships harbor awaiting the signal for a move of defiance

The field resonates the echoes of change, inviting the residence to a new awakening expanding the range

The community prepares to leap away from darkness and hesitation, towards lightness and rejuvenation

A leap year embraces a dot shining from the middle east of planet earth, with oneness and unity giving birth

A newborn finds the place amazing, decides to join forces collaborating

The plane hums and flickers in the shadows of the dawn, as it prepares to take off under the protection of the sun’s pawn

Newness finds its way to another land, spreading the love of togetherness amongst all beings in that universe strand